One Reason To Never Buy A Trench Coat At Retail Price

Buying a brand new trench coat at retail price is one of the most unnecessary wardrobe purchases you can make.

In it's nature, the trench coat is a traditional, classic wardrobe staple that's hardly changed in the past 100 years (except for quality maybe, thanks fast fashion!) Brands, however, insist on re-inventing the wheel by at least twice a year for both their fall and spring collections and charge over $100 for each trench.

But there is one reason you should never buy a trench coat at full retail price ever again. The reason being Etsy.

As a self-proclaimed Etsy fanatic, I'm convinced that there are enough vintage trench coats to go around. With thousands on this one-stop online shop, Etsy provides both stylish, affordable, and high quality trench options. From London Fog to Burberry and more, Etsy has it. And truly, a person only really needs one versatile, high quality trench in their life. With endless vintage trenches available at cheap prices, you can be stylishly unique while saving a pretty penny.

Here are my favorite vintage trenches on Etsy.

Classic Styles

Tara Lynn Evans Studio, SOLD

Tara Lynn Evans Studio, SOLD

Unique Styles

lillian fallon